Try this on your iBook: (Short) 1) Install OpenCV. 2) Install libcentroidal_profile. 3) Build ImageTest. 4) Run it with the test images in test-images.tar.bz2. (Step-by-step) This is how I did it on the iBook i got. 0) Preparations: a) Choose a prefix under which to install the libraries. I'll assume for the following that it's the same prefix. I'll call it $PREFIX. b) Put the files OpenCV-0.9.5.tar.bz2, OpenCV-0.9.5-iBook.patch, libcentroidal_profile-0.1.0.tar.bz2, and ImageTest.tar.bz2 in some directory. c) Open an xterm i) Start X11. (It's located in Applications/Utilities.) ii) Press -n or use the menu entry Applications/Terminal d) Change into the directory you put the files into. From now on, commands you type in the xterm are marked with a $ sign. $ echo "like this." 1) Install OpenCV: a) $ tar xjf OpenCV-0.9.5.tar.bz2 b) $ cd OpenCV-0.9.5 The patch removes cvcam and makes configure check for Motif in /sw instead of in /usr/X11R6. c) $ patch -Np1 <../OpenCV-0.9.5-iBook.patch The "touch" is to avoid invoking the autotools when doing "make". The version that's installed here fucks up the library installation. d) $ touch aclocal.m4 `find . -name` configure e) $ ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX f) $ make g) $ make install h) $ cd .. 2) Install libcentroidal_profile: a) $ tar xjf libcentroidal_profile-0.1.0.tar.bz2 b) $ cd libcentroidal_profile-0.1.0 c) $ CPPFLAGS=-I$PREFIX/include LDFLAGS=-L$PREFIX/lib ./configure --prefix=$PREFIX d) $ make e) $ make install f) $ cd .. 2.5) Unpack the test images: a) tar xjf test-images.tar.bz2 3) Build ImageTest: a) $ tar xjf ImageTest.tar.bz2 b) If your $PREFIX is not /swlocal, you will have to change the references in the Xcode project. A way to do this from the command line is: i) $ cd ImageTest/ImageTest.xcode ii) $ cp project.pbxproj project.pbxproj.orig iii) $ sed s:/swlocal:$PREFIX: procjet.pbxproj You can close the xterm now. c) Open ImageTest.xcode in the ImageTest dir. (Just double-click on it in the Finder.) d) Build the project. (Press -b.) 4) Run it with the test images in test-images.tar.bz2. a) In Xcode, press -r. b) Play around. c) To quit, choose Quit from the ImageTest menu or press -q. (Just closing the window does not quit the application.)