Dr. Nadine von Frankenberg und Ludwigsdorff
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Postdoctoral Researcher
Office: 01.07.042
Office Hours
By appointment. Please contact me via e-mail.
Research Topics & Interests
- Ubiquitous computing
- Smart environments
- Building control systems
- Human-in-the-loop control
- Occupant-centric control systems
- Indoor environmental quality
- Occupant health
Summer 2020 - Introduction to Software Engineering (EIST) - Praktikum: Interactive Learning - Seminar: Interactive Learning
Winter 2019/20 - iPraktikum
Summer 2019 - Introduction to Software Engineering (EIST) - Praktikum: Interactive Learning - Seminar: Interactive Learning - iPraktikum
Winter 2018/19 - Wearables for Patients - iPraktikum
Summer 2018 - Introduction to Software Engineering (EIST) - iPraktikum
- Rationale Management for Event-Based Arbitration of Thermal Quality in Shared Spaces
Nadine von Frankenberg
Dissertation. Technical University of Munich, Germany.
- I Want It That Way – Thermal Desirability in Shared Spaces
Nadine von Frankenberg, Vivian Loftness, and Bernd Bruegge
In The 8th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation (BuildSys '21), November, 2021, Coimbra, Portugal. ACM. - Towards Resolving Thermal Comfort Conflicts in Shared Spaces
Nadine von Frankenberg
Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '21). ACM. Yokohama, Japan, May 2021.
- LATEST: A Learning-based Automated Thermal Environment Control System
Nadine von Frankenberg, Patrick Ruoff, Bernd Bruegge, and Vivian Loftness
In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (Ubicomp-CPD'20). ACM. Mexico, 2020. - Digital Twin - A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Individual Stress Levels in Extreme Environments
Constantin Scheuermann, Thomas Binderberger, Nadine von Frankenberg, and Andreas Werner
In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2020 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers (CML-IoT'20). ACM. Mexico, 2020. - AUDAPRET: Towards a Cloud Architecture Supporting Multi-Device Research Studies
Nadine von Frankenberg, Felix Matschilles, and Stephan Jonas
Proceedings of the International Conference on E-Health (MCCSIS). IADIS. Zagreb - Croatia, July 2020. - An Interactive Learning Method to Engage Students in Modeling
Stephan Krusche, Nadine von Frankenberg, Lara Marie Reimer, and Bernd Bruegge
42nd International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'20), Software Engineering Education and Training. ACM. Seoul - South Korea, May 2020.
- OccuTherm: Occupant Thermal Comfort Inference using Body Shape Information
Jonathan Francis, Matias Quintana, Nadine von Frankenberg, Sirajum Munir, and Mario Bergés
In Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Buildings, Cities, and Transportation. ACM. New York, NY - USA, 2019. - Dataset: Inferring Thermal Comfort using Body Shape Information Utilizing Depth Sensors
Sirajum Munir, Jonathan Francis, Matias Quintana, Nadine von Frankenberg, and Mario Bergés.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Data Acquisition To Analysis. ACM. New York, NY - USA, 2019. - Stager: Simplifying the Manual Assessment of Programming Exercises.
Christopher Laß, Stephan Krusche, Nadine von Frankenberg, and Bernd Bruegge
17. Workshop Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen (SEUH'19), pp. 34-43. Osnabrück - Germany, February 2019.
- From Storyboards to Code: Visual Product Backlogs in Agile Project Courses
Lukas Alperowitz, Constantin Scheuermann, and Nadine von Frankenberg
15. Workshop Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen (SEUH'17), Hanover - Germany, 2017. - Experiences of a Software Engineering Course Based on Interactive Learning
Stephan Krusche, Nadine von Frankenberg, Sami Afifi
15. Workshop Software Engineering im Unterricht der Hochschulen (SEUH'17), pp. 32-40. Hannover - Germany, 2017. - How to Integrate Interactive Learning into Large Classes (Abstract Only)
Stephan Krusche, Andreas Seitz, Nadine von Frankenberg and Bernd Bruegge
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, pp. 737, New York, NY - USA, 2017.
- Effective Visualization and Control of the Indoor Environmental Quality in Smart Buildings
Nadine von Frankenberg, Sebastian Peters, Bernd Bruegge, Vivian Loftness, and Azizan Aziz
Workshop Proceedings of the Software Engineering Workshops (CPSSC'16), pp. 124-129. Vienna - Austria, 2016.
Program Committees & Organization
- PC member: ICSE 2023, 45th International Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE/ACM. Melbourne - Australia, May 2023
- PC member: SIGCSE 2023, 54th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM. Toronto - Canada, March 2023
- PC member: HICSS-56 2023, HICSS – The Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, IEEE, Hawaii, USA, January 2023
- PC member: CSEE&T 2022, HICSS Special Track: Software Engineering Education and Training, IEEE, Hawaii, USA, January 2022
- PC member: SIGCSE 2022, 53rd Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM. Providence, Rhode Island - USA, March 2022
- PC member: SIGCSE 2021, 52nd Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM. Toronto - Canada, March 2021
- PC member: ICSE 2021, 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE/ACM. Madrid - Spain, May 2021
- Publication Co-Chair: BuildSys'20, ACM. Yokohama - Japan, November 2020
- Publicity Chair: CSEE&T 2020, Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, IEEE. Munich - Germany, July 2020
- Publicity Chair & PC member: SEUH, Multikonferenz Software Engineering & Management, GI. Innsbruck - Austria, February 2020
- PC member: SIGCSE 2020, 51st Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM. Portland - USA, March 2020
- PC member: SIGCSE 2019, 50th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM. Minneapolis - USA, February 2019
- PC member: SIGCSE 2018, 49th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM. Baltimore - USA, February 2018
- PC member: SIGCSE 2017, 48th Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, ACM. Seattle -USA, March 2017
- Towards an Energy-Efficient and Occupant-Centric Plug Load Management System for Shared Spaces (MT Jessica Saroufim)
- Towards A Human-in-the-Loop Control Methodology for Indoor Environmental Quality (MT Zeynep Iyigörür)
- Towards a Research Platform for Human-Centered Building Management in Shared Spaces (MT Victor Prüfer)
- Preferential Privacy in Thermal Comfort Applications (MT Maximilian Sölch)
- Using Personas to Resolve Thermal Comfort Conflicts (GR Zeynep Iyigörür)
- Improvement and Automatization of Rationale Decision-Making to Resolve Thermal Conflicts (MT Frederic Forster)
- User Modeling for Thermal Comfort Control Systems (MT Leanda Xhymshiti)
- Wearables and IoT-Based Applications in Elderly Care - MyCare: A Senior-friendly Apple Watch Application for Health Monitoring (MT Daniel Smandzik)
- Advisors: Christian Eichhorn, Nadine von Frankenberg
- Supervisor: Prof. Grudrun Klinker
- Customization of User Interfaces for Thermal Comfort Voting Applications (GR Victor Prüfer)
- Simulation of IoT Networks in Smart Buildings (GR Gerald Mahlknecht)
- Introducing Personas in Thermal Comfort Control Systems (BT Zeynep Iyigörür)
- Resolving Thermal Conflicts Using Rationale Management (MT Loomila Hada)
- Context-based Conflict Visualization and Prioritization in Smart Environments (BT Charles Donven)
- Requirements Analysis for the Implementation of mHealth Applications in the Infrastructure of the Klinikum rechts der Isar (BT Veronika Hoffmann)
- Global Map Integration for Autonomous Driving Systems in Unpaved Roads (BT Bastian Aigner)
- Advisors: Mariana Avezum, Nadine von Frankenberg
- Finding Thermal Comfort Consensus Using Game Theory (BT Matthias Unterfrauner)
- DUST: Distributed Software Theater (MT Florian Bodlée)
- Event-Based Building Management System (BT Gerald Mahlknecht)
- Gamification of Occupant Thermal Comfort Voting (BT Katharina Danner)
- COSY: Creating Context for Thermal Comfort Sensor-Based Systems (BT Florian Hautmann)
- Thermal Comfort in Smart Buildings: Development of a Personalized Machine Learning-Based Temperature Control System (MT Patrick Ruoff)
- A Preprocessing Pipeline for Thermal Comfort Data in Smart Buildings (GR Patrick Ruoff)
- Analysis, Implementation and Evaluation of Machine Learning Techniques for Extensible Stress Prediction in Extreme Environments (MT Thomas Binderberger)
- Advisors: Constantin Scheuermann, Nadine von Frankenberg
- Real-time Movement Prediction and Recommendation System for Hand Rehabilitation (MT Muris Causevic)
- Data Collection and Processing for Multiple Data Sources in Research Studies Under the Consideration of Data Privacy (BT Felix Matschilles)
- Apprenticeship Learning-Based Algorithm for Extensible Stress Estimation in Extreme Environments (MT Michael Möhrle)
- Advisors: Constantin Scheuermann, Nadine von Frankenberg
- Visualization of Conflicts and Constraints with Respect to Thermal Comfort in Buildings (BT Victor Prüfer)
- An Incremental Learning Approach for Personalized Thermal Comfort in Smart Offices (MT Oliver Kolar)
- FETCh: A Feedback Approach for Determining Thermal Comfort in Smart Buildings (BT Sebastian Liedl)
- Intuitive Audiovisual Feedback for Home Rehabilitation with a Smart Glove (BT Agnes Pilch)
- User Profiles in Dynamic Smart Offices (MT Admir Jashari)
- Development of a Fair Assessment System in Artemis (MT Riccardo Padovani)
- Advisors: Stephan Krusche, Nadine von Frankenberg