Fast-track Tutorial


This tutorial is designed to help you nail down the basics of working with Together so you can begin using it productively in a minimum amount of time. The tutorial is comprised of three main sections:
  • Navigation: Covers navigating Project packages and browsing diagrams.
  • Documentation: Covers generating system documentation for existing code.
  • Diagrams: Covers basic techniques for creating and constructing diagrams.
  • The tutorial should take you about an hour. When you finish you won't yet be a power user, but you should find yourself well on your way to working productively on your own projects using Together.

    Navigation basics

    In this exercise you open one of the Together example projects and use the navigation features to find your way around. Much of what you learn here applies to new projects as well.

    The first thing is to start up Together. Startup procedures may vary according to what product version you have and what operating system platform and Java virtual machine (for Java versions) you are running. Consult the file readme.html for information on how to start Together.

    Opening the example project

    Assuming you have Together running, you should see the Main window, which displays a menu bar and a horizontal toolbar. Let's open the Java version of the  Family Tree project that ships with Together:
    To open the example project:
  • Click the Open Project button on the main toolbar.
  • Navigate to the FamilyTree.tpr file using the path above and click Open.
  • You will see several messages in the status line of the Main window as the project opens.

    Understanding what's in the project

    When the project opens, the Object Model Browser window (see Figure 1) appears. It's comprised of four panes:
    Figure 6.1. Object Model Browser and top-level diagram for Family Tree project

    Hands-on navigation exercises

    Here are a few things to try out to orient you with the project and the navigation features.
      1. In the Navigation pane, click on the HumanInterface package node. Observe
      1. Double-click on the HumanInterface node in the Navigation pane. Observe
      1. In the Navigation pane, right-click the Default.vfPackage node and choose Browse from the context menu. The top-level diagram for the package now opens in the Diagram pane. (Caution: diagrams do not automatically open when you navigate the project package.)
      2. In the Navigation pane, double-click the Default.vfPackage node. This navigates you "inside" and the classes in the class diagram are displayed in the tree view. Your navigation view now corresponds to your diagram view.
      3. In the Navigation pane, randomly click on several different classes. Observe
      1. Double-click the Parent folder () to navigate the tree view from the diagram level back to the package level. Randomly click on any of the source code files in the navigation tree. Observe
    The difference here is that you are navigating by file level, not by class as before. The net effect on the display of the diagram is the same however.
      1. Now click the Overview tab. Observe the thumbnail sketch of the Class diagram. Drag the shaded (or highlighted) rectangle around the thumbnail. Observe that the Diagram pane scrolls parallel to the motion of the shadow.
      2. Carefully move the cursor to the lower right-hand corner of the shadow until it changes shape. Drag the lower right corner of the shadow downward and to the right. Observe that the Diagram pane's view zooms outward. Drag the shadow up and to the left and the diagram view zooms inward. Right-click on the background of the Diagram pane and choose Default Zoom from the context menu to restore the default zoom level.

    Navigating by hyperlinks

    For this exercise, you should navigate back to the project package level and display the package's top-level diagram in the Diagram pane. Try this on your own. If you get stuck:
      1. Double-click the Parent folder () until the Families folder is at the top of the tree view, indicating that you have reached the project package level.
      2. Right-click on the Default.vfPackage node in the tree and choose Browse.
    Now let's try navigating to a diagram in the project using hyperlinking.
      1. Select the Default.vfPackage node in the tree, then click the Hyperlink To tab of the Inspector. Observe that a hyperlink to the Use Case diagram exists.
      2. Right-click on usecase in the type column or FamilyUseCase.vfUseCase in the URL column and choose Browse in New Window. A new instance of the Object Model Browser is launched and the Use Case diagram appears in the Diagram pane. The Navigation tree is still at Families. You could now work on either of the two diagrams.
      3. Close the Use Case diagram's window.

    Navigating to source code

    You should now be back to the project package level in the Navigation pane and have the project top-level diagram displayed in the Diagram pane. The diagram contains one Class icon, and two Package icons corresponding to the elements in the navigation tree.
      1. Click on the FamiliesApplication class node in the Navigation pane. Observe that the Text pane displays the source code declaration for this class. Note that you can edit the code in the Text pane.
      2. Click on any Member in the Class icon. Observe that its source code declaration displays in the Text pane.
      3. Select the HumanInterface package by clicking the name on its icon. Click on several of the classes. Observe that the source code declaration for each class displays in the Text pane.

    Controlling what you see in diagrams

    One last exercise and you will know all the basics for navigating around a Together project.  There are a number of features you can use to control what displays in a diagram at any given time. You can show and hide different types of elements or individual elements in the current diagram.

    Showing and Hiding icons

      1. Select a Class icon, then choose Hide from its context menu. The icon is now hidden.
      2. Right-click on the diagram background and choose Show Hidden.
      3. In the Show Hidden dialog, select the hidden class and click the Show button.
      4. Observe that in this dialog you can show/hide single or multiple elements in the current diagram.

    Filtering the view (Java example)

      1. Navigate up to the Families package and open the Default.vfPackage diagram. The two package icons should be displayed in the diagram. Arrange the diagram so you can see the HumanInterface package icon and the FamiliesApplication class.
      2. Click on the diagram background.
      3. Click on the Inspector's Display tab.
      4. Click on Private (+), choose Hide from the drop-down, then click Apply. The diagram auto-updates and the public classes are no longer shown.
      5. Repeat the above to re-display public classes.


    That wraps up the first part of the Tutorial. Some key points to remember are:

    Generating system documentation

    One of Together's most powerful and useful features is the capability of generating documentation for your projects. You can create a Together Project around existing code and then generate documentation for it. (This is explained in  Getting Started, Chapter 2: Projects.)
      This section shows how to generate documentation for an existing Together project. There are several options for this and we'll cover only one of them here. Getting Started, Chapter 2: Projects covers others.

      If you have not already done so, open the Family Tree example project as described in Navigation Basics. We'll generate documentation for one of the diagrams in that project.

      Note: If you are running an operating system other than Windows NT/95 and your OS does not support "on-the-fly" creation of directories, take a moment and create a directory for the documentation generated in this exercise. Also, you will need a frames-capable Web browser to view one of the HTML files generated here.

      1. Open the HumanInterface package and open its top-level diagram in the current Browser.
      2. In the Main window, choose Tools | Generate Documentation from the menu bar to display the Generate Documentation dialog. Observe the defaults in this dialog.
      3. In the Output group, choose the To HTML Directory option. Click the ellipsis button to display the HTML File Name dialog.
      4. If running Windows, use this dialog to create a subdirectory named Docs under the Families directory and navigate to it. Otherwise, navigate to a previously created directory. Click Save or OK (depending on OS).
      5. Check the Multi-frames box in the Include group and click OK to begin generating the documentation.

    Viewing the generated documentation

    In the directory where you generated the documentation, open the file _multiframe.html in your Web browser. This file requires a frames-capable browser. If your is not, skip the bullets below. You can open the file _index.html instead and browse the documentation from there.
    This concludes the second part of the tutorial. Take a break. Go for espresso. Come back, go through creating a new project and some of the techniques for developing diagrams covered in the next part, and you should be ready to begin some real work with Together.

    Creating and working on a project

    In this part of the tutorial we'll have you create a new project and work with some of the modeling tools. Here you'll encounter most of the basic things you need to know to begin creating your real projects with Together. If necessary, start up Together before going on.

    Placing icons for nodes and links into a diagram

    1. Create new project named Tutor.tpr in a folder of your choice. Choose File | New Project from the Main menu. Use the New Project dialog to specify:
    An empty class diagram is displayed automatically. It is represented by Default.vfPackage in the Navigation tree.
    1. Add two classes to the diagram. For each class:
    1. Add an association link between the classes:

    Changing the default class names

    1. Change the name of the Class1 class "in-place".
    1. Change the name of the Class2 classes using the Inspector pane. Select the Class2 icon, click the Value column of the name property in the Inspector. Edit the name and press Enter. Observe that the name in the Class icon is not yet updated. Click either the Apply button or the diagram to apply the update to the diagram.
    2. As you change the name of the classes, observe that the name of the corresponding source code file in the Navigation tree updates at the same time.

    Adding and renaming Members

    As you do the next steps, observe the Text pane for to see the source code generation.
    1. Right-click on the Class1 icon and choose New Attribute from the Class context menu. A new attribute is added to the class and its declaration is added to the source. The attribute is selected on the icon and in-place editing is activated.
    2. Change the name of the attribute in-place. Type Attrib1and then press Enter.
    3. Press Ctrl+A. A second attribute is added to the class, ready for you to edit the name.
    4. Press Enter to accept the default name.
    5. Press Del. The attribute is deleted from both diagram and source code.
    6. Right-click the Class1 icon and choose New operation from the Class context menu.
    7. Change the name of the operation in-place. Type Op1and then press Enter.
    8. Press Ctrl+O. A second operation is added to the class, ready for you to edit the name.
    9. Press Esc to accept the default name. This leaves the operation selected.
    10. In the Inspector, click the Value column to the right of the name property. Type Op2 and press Enter. Click the Apply to update the visual display in the Diagram pane.

    Copying and Moving Members, using Undo

    1. Click on the Class1.Attrib1 attribute to select it.
    2. Drag the attribute to the Class2 icon and drop it. Observe that the attribute moves to Class2.
    3. Press and hold Ctrl. Drag the attribute from Class2 back to Class1. The attribute is copied to Class1.
    4. Add a new operation to Class2. Name it Op3.
    5. Holding down Ctrl, drag the Class1.Op1 operation and drop it over the name section of the Class2 icon. Observe that the operation is copied to Class2 at the bottom of the operation section.
    6. Holding down Ctrl, drag Class1.Op2 and drop it on top of the Op1 operation in the Class2 icon. Observe that the operation is copied to Class2 icon before the Op1 operation.
    7. Press Ctrl+Z. This invokes Undo on the last drop operation.
    8. Holding down Ctrl, drag Class1.Op2 and drop it on top of the Op3 operation in the Class2 icon. Observe that the operation is copied to Class2 icon before that operation.
    TIP  You can copy and paste Members using the Main window's Edit menu and/or clipboard keyboard shortcuts. 

    Moving nodes and re-routing links

    1. Add an Object icon in the same way you added classes. Add an Instantiation link in a similar way to the previous Association. "Wire" the link from the Object icon to a Class icon.
    2. Drag the Class icons to different locations on the diagram. Move at least one icon beyond the visible region of the diagram pane. Enlarge the Diagram pane if desired using the lower or left-hand separators and/or the right-hand window border.
    3. Click on any link to select it. Position the mouse pointer carefully over any point on the link until it changes to a cross-hair shape.
    4. Drag a bending point in any direction. Repeat this with other links, and with several points on one link.
    5. You have now created what's called a "manual layout". These techniques can be useful while you're actually constructing a diagram.

    TIP  Don't forget that you can use the Overview tab of the Navigation pane to navigate around the diagram and zoom the view in and out. 

    Automatic diagram layout

    Together has some powerful features for optimizing the layout. It is important to note that these override any manual layout, as you will see here.
    1. Right-click on the diagram background and choose Layout All from the context menu. This invokes Together's layout optimization.
    2. Press Ctrl+Z (Undo). Observe that the layout reverts back to manual.
    3. Press Ctrl+Z (Undo) again. The auto-layout is restored.
    4. Click Ctrl+Z one more time to go back to your manual layout.
    5. This time, choose Layout All for Printing from the Diagram context menu. This optimizes the diagram so that all elements are within the page borders as set in your Print Options.
    6. Press Ctrl+P to print the current diagram. After printing, you can invoke Undo again to restore your manual layout.

    Drag and drop relinking

    1. Select the Instantiation link between Object1 and Class1.
    2. Carefully select the link arrowhead's connector until the mouse cursor changes to crossed arrow shape.
    3. Drag the arrowhead to the Class2 icon and drop it. You have relinked the object to a different class. Note that you can revert using Undo, or use the Instantiation toolbar button to relink the Instantiation: simply recreate the link to the Object.

    Updating the diagram from source code

    1. Create package-scope class:
    2. Select the icon for the new class. Observe that it's declaration is selected in the Text pane.
    3. Add the following code to the declaration:
      JAVA:  C++: 
      private char SCAttrib1;  
      public void Op4(){  
      int PkgAttrib1;  
      void PkgOp1();  
    1. Click on the diagram. Changes are applied automatically to the Class icon.

    Adding annotations and code comments

    1. Select a class. Enter values for stereotype, alias, and note in the Inspector.
    2. Watch the source code in the Text pane and click Apply. Observe how comments are added to the code.
    3. Place a Note icon on the diagram using the toolbar.
    4. Enter some text for the Note in the Inspector (click the ellipsis to display the text editor).
    5. Click Apply. Observe that note text appears in the Note icon, but no comments are entered in source code.
    6. Create a Note Link from the Note icon to any Class or Package icon. The Note is now linked for purposes of generating system documentation and will print with the documentation for the linked element.

    Creating different types of diagrams

    1. Select the package node's icon (e.g. Tutorial) in the Navigation pane's project tree.
    2. Choose File | New Diagram from the Main menu.
    3. In the New Diagram dialog, enter:
    1. Click Finish to create the new diagram.
    2. Optional: click the new diagram's icon in the navigation tree and choose Delete from the context menu to delete the diagram.
    3. Note that in the New Diagram dialog you can choose any of the supported diagram types.

    This concludes the Fast-track Tutorial. If you have comments or suggestions about it, please send e-mail to

    A few parting tips

    Grab a class icon at a corner and drag it vertically, making the symbol smaller. Note the scrollbars. Autolayout respects that new size (very helpful for working with pesky super long class symbols that one runs into from time to time).
    Resize the diagram window to make it larger. Use separators at the bottom of the pane or to the left of the toolbar.
    Resize the Inspector using separator above the Apply button. Resize the Inspector columns using the split line between them.
    In Class diagrams, switch off the Text pane using the View menu.

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